Monday, January 26, 2009

A feat of genetic engineering, a stroke of good luck, an achievement in packaging technology?

Grocery shopping at 11 pm last week: Being the responsible inhabitant of the planet I try to be, I took all of my reusable bags. But I was restocking my house for the first time since Christmas, really, and everything didn't fit. I got one plastic grocery bag with my dozen eggs and bunch of tulips.

I put it in the child seat of the grocery cart. The parking lot is on a severe hill, which presents a challenge when unloading the cart into the car. At some point the bag tipped out of the cart and landed on the ground. I couldn't bear to look at the condition of the eggs and just put it in the car with the other groceries, figuring I'd deal with it when I got home.

Unloading the groceries I left the eggs/flowers bag for last. I was shocked to find only one egg was broken.

It's just not possible.

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